External Resources

Below are a collection of curated external free resources that we have found helpful in navigating Speech and Debate. If we are missing a resource you would like featured on this page, please contact us!


Debaters regularly disclose their argument positions and research cited on the NCDA Wiki. We use it regularly to see what arguments are popular on any given topic.


The NSDA is the governing body for Speech and Debate in the United States. Event rules, resources, topic releases and general information is available on this website.

Debate on the Daily

Debate on the Daily is an app that allows students to easily integrate debate preparation into their daily lives in several ways. Features include streamlining and simplifying the research process, connecting teams with partners for practice rounds, and organizing round notes. The app is available on the App Store & Google Play.


Tabroom is the most popular tournament hosting website in Speech and Debate. We use it to find tournaments to compete at and view results during the season.

DebateDrills Academy

The DebateDrills Academy is the most comprehensive repository of high-quality, curated debate education on the internet. It is regularly updated and 100% free.


ForCom is a popular online forensics speech and debate community that includes a comprehensive piece library, hundreds of informative speech and debate articles, featured performance videos and additional social features.